Sunday, November 28, 2010

Snowman Cake Pops

Ok only 5 days left till Girl's Night Out, Friday, December 3rd! Ahhhhhhh! I can't wait. I wanted to show one of the Demo's we'll be doing called "Sweet Gifts." You're going to learn to make these cute Cake Pops. Yes, that's cake on a stick.

First, bake a cake following the cake box directions.

This is where it gets craaazy. Don't frost you cake as normal, break up your cake in a bowl and mix the icing into it. I know, I know. Trust me, this is what you're suppose to do.

Roll the mixture into little cake balls. 

Throw them in the freezer for an hour.

Now for the decorations. Melt some white chocolate chips. You can buy these at Michael's.

Dip your stick into the chocolate then into the cake ball and let it set. Then dip the entire cake ball in the white chocolate.

Separate a large Oreo and glue with some more white chocolate onto the top of cake pop. Take a Mini Oreo and glue it on top of the big Oreo. 

Take an orange Strarbust cut off a corner and mold a nose. Get some black icing and make the smily and the eyes and your done! Great party dessert or gift!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Last Minute EASY Pie

Do you need a last minute pie recipe for Thanksgiving? Here's an easy one. Tollhouse Pie by our very own PJ Baker. This pie will be apart of the "Samplings" at the GNO Party! There will be delicious samples all over campus and recipe cards to go with them. This recipe is at the end of this post but here are some mouthwatering photos. 

Easy ingredients you probably have in your fridge and pantry right now.
Can you tell I'm a big supporter of Stater Bros. brand? Hahahah, got to save that 50 cents! LOL.


Whisk it, whisk it good.

You can't go wrong with chocolate.

I will post a finished picture of the pie as soon as it's out of the oven, but I just couldn't wait to post this just in case you need that last minute pie recipe!

Toll House Pie
by: PJ Baker

Makes 1 9in. pie
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 cup butter, melted and cooled to room temperature
One 6 ounce package of Nestle Toll House semi sweet chocolate morsels
1 cup chopped nuts (optional)
One 9-inch unbaked pie shell
Whipped cream or ice cream (optional)

Preheat oven to 325F. In a large bowl, beat eggs until foamy. Add flour, sugar 
and brown sugar; beat until well blended. Blend in melted/cooled butter. Stir in 
chocolate chips, and nuts. Pour into pie shell. Bake at 325F. for 1 hour. 
Serve warm with whipped cream or ice cream. 
*If using a frozen pie shell, use a deep dish style, thawed. place on a cookie sheet
and bake an additional 10 minutes.
*Recipe may be doubled. Bake 2 pies; freeze one for later, or give as a gift!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sneak Peek

I wanted to give you a sneak peek of two items we'll be demoing. This demo is "Easy Homemade Gifts" and is the last one of the night in the inner foyer. First item is this "Strawberry Skys Tutu." Sarah Guevara owner of Strawberry Skys is going to share the secret of tutu making! Don't feel like making one? Sarah will be selling her tutus, clothing and hair accessories for little girls there at GNO. Browse her blog which is full of really cool projects at Strawberry Skys

Another great gift we'll show you how to make is this burlap purse! So cute right? I can already think of like 5 people who would love this gift for Christmas.

GNO is approaching fast! I hope you've gotten your ticket. Over 50% of the tickets are sold so it's not too late get it here at the Rock Church

Friday, November 19, 2010

Easy Burlap Sign

Our first DIY (Do It Yourself) post! Here it goes...

1.) Get some burlap (or any fabric you'd like). You can purchase burlap at JoAnne's, Walmart, I just so happened to be at Home Depot so I picked some up in the landscaping department.

2) You'll need scissors, a sharpee and a string to hang your sign.

3) Decide what word you'll make and cut out that exact number of triangles.

4) Use the sharpee to draw out your letters. Use a piece of paper behind the burlap so it doesn't get on your table.

Here's the letters. So easy, so cute.

5) Cut small holes in the triangles to thread your string through.

6) Hang wherever you'd like! How cute!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Are you ready? Here are the trees!

 After hours of decorating here they are for the public eye!

Tuscan tree, 
you're gorgeous!

Red and White tree, 
I love your pop of color.

Homespun Tree, 
you're just plain cute (a kid friendly!)

Up close photos. Who can resist that cute moose?

If you haven't bought your tix, then get to it! 

Friday, November 12, 2010

Today we're decorating the Raffle Trees!

10 women trekked to Los Angeles 10 days ago and sought for goods to bring home to you! We went to our little gem of a store in LA called International Silk (yes I'm sharing the goods). Shopping with us is not for the faint of heart. We don't take breaks, we don't eat lunch, we shop for hours and even checking out at the register takes hours. We purchase boxes of Christmasness.

The thing about this store is you've got to come at the right time. We don't know that right time exactly. Last year we came too soon, this year we came pretty close to perfection but we still had to dig, dig, dig. We literaly go through tons of boxes finding the best of the best ornaments for the 3 trees we'll be raffling off at Christmas GNO, Friday, December 3rd (pics to come.) There are hundreds of dollars worth of ornaments on each tree and your raffle ticket is only $5. Hello, can we say deal? Here are some tips on decorating your tree at home if you happen to not have one of the 3 winning tickets.

#1) Theme. Find an ornament that you love, that inspires you and there's your theme. There is more than just red and green. Like for the raffle tree we have Tuscan Tree, Homespun and the Red and White tree.
#2) Prelite is the way! Now a days I think it would be hard to find a tree that didn't come with lights. Thank God for that! Also, buy your garland and wreath prelit if possible.
#3) Pop! You need a pop of color on your tree. Be that red, glitter, gold, white, whatever. Green is not a color your should gravitate to because it will get lost in the tree.
#4) Topper. You can pretty much get creative in this area because a topper can be anything large and in charge these days. It's just not the star. So be creative.
#5) Texture. Add texture by adding some florals like poinsettias or pinecones whatever your eyes gravitates to. Ribbon is a must it adds depth and texture.